The history of the uprising in TII West Java and its causes
One type of rebellion that gives many people memories in its time is DI TII West Java. This is because the incident was enough to cause many casualties. In fact, the events also happened over a fairly long period of time. So many people still remember it today.
Even after the Republic of Indonesia gained independence, the people fought even harder. National heroes face many events that are already far more than during the Indonesian struggle. Even at that time, the resistance that arose came from the Indonesian people themselves. The incident occurred because the ideology was not in line with the government.
Many groups of individuals are dissatisfied with what the Indonesian government is implementing. So there are quite a few rebelsof their own people, for example, the DI TII movement. Where the center itself is in the regional part of Indonesia, such as West Java itself.
There are still many places in Indonesia such as Kalimantan, Aceh or Sulawesi. But in the end, the efforts that arose were also thwarted by the government. The thwarted attempt was a success because the opposition was given quite violently from different parties. Until now, it is still widely known to the public.
Background in TII West Java
Darul Islam Action The Indonesian Islamic Army itself is a movement in the political sphere with its initial development in the Tasikmalaya area. This resistance was initially exposed by the Islamic State ofMendosie. It was precisely on 7 May. August 1949 . This happened a few years after the proclamation.
The West Java TII rebellion led by Sekarmdji figure Maridjan Kartosoewirjo aimed to create Indonesia into an Islamic state , the end of which was to proclaim its own NII. This event occurred in itself because Kartosoewirjo felt let down by the content of the Renville Agreement .
The content of the treaty itself is believed to harass the honor of the hero of independence. The content of the agreement itself was the Indonesian state, which was forced by the Dutch to cede the West Java area . As long as this resistance arises, Kartosoewirjo has become a politician. So it is not surprising that he has a lot of political experience.
Even within the country’s Islamic sarekat party, buy au is very fanatical about the religion of Islam. He had also thought of a hijra policy in which it would be used in his leadership. The background of West Java TII unites all branches in Indonesia and can fight against a government that does not agree.
It is not just moving because there is a common feature of a diverse ideology. The movement’s leaders and members were also encouraged by its leader from West Java. This resistance was actually due to the fact that Kartosoewirjo was dissatisfied with the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, which was still overshadowed by the Dutch, who wanted to continue to control Indonesia.
Formålsskabt bevægelse DI TII
The occurrence of pemberontakan DI TII West Java was led by community leader Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo himself, because it was to achieve the goals that he wanted. As an act, the TII itself is trying to create a country where the basis is Shariaon Islam. In addition, the country has been liberated by Dutch colonization.
For more details, the purpose of this resistance is itself to create an Indonesian Islamic State that is recognized by the state. In fact, they also want to be recognised by international law. In addition, this resistance was also formed because it wanted to make Indonesia a country that has an Islamic basis.
The leader of this act is to make Islamic law so that it becomes the law of the Indonesian state, governed of course by two things: the hadith and the Koran. Not only that, they formed an Islamic state because they wanted to change the laws of government to do the same as Islam.
The purpose of the formation of the DI TII West Java rebellion was for the figure to reject the ideology and laws of the Hadith and the Qur’an. Even beyond the two things mentioned, they claim that if they follow others, they are considered infidels. But this is very unfortunate, because the main purpose of this movement was formed to fight the Dutch.
But it became radical . As everyone knows, Indonesia itself has the highest range of beliefs. Where there are 6 main religions in it and it has also been recognized by the state. So it is not wise to make Islam more special than other religions.
Founder of the TII West Java rebellion
The emergence of the DI action itself was initially due to the fact that two people were suspected of having an important role in the formation of the action. As for the first person is kyai Jusuf Tauziri. He is said to be the founder in the early stages of creating a peaceful Islamic movement.
But in the end, he also withdrew his support for Kartosoewirjo to fight the Indonesian state. But many people know that the main character of DI himself is Kartosoewirjo. The character, who was born and raised in the Java area itself, has almost spent his career in West Java.
In fact, he himself is not a native of West Java either, but a native of Central Javanese who was born in Cepu. The location of the area itself is between Bojonegoro and Blora. The figure , who was born on February 7, 1905, received his education with the help of Dutch in elementary school and his first menegah.
In fact, according to history, he also did not have much insight into Islam and Arabic language. There was even a course to be able to enter the Dutch East Indian ketabibab school , located in Surabaya. It was in this area that he met H. Oemar Said, who later became president of the PSII.
The DI TII West Java movement itself was initially a bad reaction from Kartosoewirjo and his group for rejecting the Renville agreement. The agreement was concluded in agreement with Indonesia and the Netherlands. This is what constitutes darul Islam, and its troop members are the TII itself.
Cracking down on rebellion in West Java TII
As is known to many people, the event in TII West Java is the biggest event in the country and is remembered by almost everyone. Even in some places it also supports the movement. With the aim of being able to form a state that is consistent with the Islamic religion.
Even the government of the Republic of Indonesia at that time also just declared its independence and again fought against the Dutch. The government is again facing opposition from its own people. This, of course, makes the government work on many things to eradicate the movement. The goal is that negara can also be integrated.
In West Java, this repression began in a peaceful manner. Where Moh Natsir formed the committee. But the way it was run didn’t work. Then it was again pursued using another method, namely, using military operations. Eventually, Kartosoewirjo was arrested in 1962 in the Mount Salak area.
The operation also concerns the community’s efforts to restrict the movement of DI TII members. As for the punishment given, death. In fact, TII West Java’s action does not cause losses and is a great post-independence event that you should know.